Spirituality of Communion

Ann Friemel


Ann Friemel is originally from a small town in Texas. She comes from a large family - 4 brothers and 1 sister. Ann was born and raised Catholic and since 1997 has been consecrated. Before consecrating herself to Our Lord, she had a deep experience in the Spirit and knew that the Lord was calling her to a vocation of healing, but she didn't understand it. From 1994 - 2010, she belonged to a group of Franciscan School Sisters and was involved in teaching, administration, discipleship, and youth work. It was in 2003, however, that the Lord began to stir up the calling towards healing once again, and after seven years of discernment, in 2010, she took a step of faith with the Lord, which meant leaving her community and pursuing this new calling with the Lord. In December 2011, Sister renewed my religious vows under Cardinal Schönborn, the Archbishop of Vienna. Ann has consecrated her life to the Lord for the service of communion, healing, and reconciliation within the Body of Christ. She was privileged to work closely with Fr. Peter Hocken, and takes care of the house he founded in Hainburg, Austria. Over the past decade, the Lord has opened up different fields of ministry in England, Poland, and Slovakia (in addition to the work in Austria) giving teachings on spirituality of communion, healing, and reconciliation, especially in regards to Israel and the Church. In addition to teaching, Ann is involved in the ministry of healing and deliverance. In this ministry, again and again, she has witnessed the Lord restoring hope to His people, speaking deeply to hearts that they are the Beloved Sons and Daughters of the Father. As His Beloved Daugter, Ann has discovered that the deepest call on her heart is the cry of the Spirit - Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!.

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Wienerstrasse 15
2410 Hainburg an der Donau


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Ann Kristina Friemel
IBAN: AT22 3207 3000 0320 0516