
Andrew Whaley


Andrew Whaley is the founder of Calix, a project which helps Catholic organizations use hospitality to create community for the sake of missional relationship. This work is primarily focused on the deeply unchurched and de-churched- the “nones” and “dones” as they say. In this work, Andrew has married his 30+ years of missional focus while in the coffee industry with his education in Great Books, Philosophy, and Theology to create spaces in which people who would never walk into a Church can come to Christ, organically over time. For the last decade, this work, though deeply apostolic in nature, has taken the form of a for-profit consulting firm and missional design studio. 

In this process, Andrew has begun to emerge as a thought leader on the topic of mission “facing outward” and “far evangelization”.  Increasingly his time is spent mentoring young adults in the trenches of mission, speaking to young Christian leaders, and helping the next generation clarify and act on the visions God is putting in their heart. He is beginning to see the need to shift focus to the development of teaching resources, leader community creation, speaking, writing, and deeper one-on-one mentoring. The best way to do this new work is in the form of a non-profit, so Andrew is beginning this process by collaborating with Missions of Hope to raise funds. This will free up his time for more strategic ministry work and free Calix to work on more innovative and strategically creative projects that model new forms of missional engagement and new spaces to foster and house them, including the building of prototype spaces which will house training and apprenticeship programs and act as a sort of incubator for new communities and community forms. 

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